For the Goddesses

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Go from fizzle to sizzle with these 3 HOT tips

Living in Florida, sizzling is an understatement right now. I’ve lived down here for over 20 years, yet this native New Yorker still can’t get used to the 90 degree heat with a 100 degree index. Everyone comes out of the woodwork to frolic and play, and I’m not talking about Disney. Each week, I […] Read more…

3 Mistakes Women Make That Send Their Relationships Over the Cliff

Wouldn’t it be nice to sail effortlessly through your intimate relationships? NO drama, NO fuss, NO frustration, NO fighting! All that exists is pure joy! Well, over and over I’m amazed at how my Sister Goddesses take themselves out of the game. I’m talking about the game of life, romance, relationships and sex. Let’s talk […] Read more…

[Radio Interview] The Quiet Siren: The Introverted Woman’s Guide to Man Magnetism

Listen to my talk with Michaela Chung, founder of Introvert Spring, as we discuss how introverted woman have all the necessary skills to be magnetizing to men, as the “Quiet Siren“. Listen & Enjoy Michaela Chung is the author of The Introvert Revolution: A Quiet Path To Reclaiming Our Power, and the creator of Introvert […] Read more…

Choosing Happiness After a Break-Up

I’m excited to be a Happiness Crusader and joining over 100 women in spreading the message of #ChoosingHappiness to women around the world. In honor of this, I’d like to share with you how I chose happiness in the midst of life’s messiness by answering a question from my inspiring friend best-selling Publisher Linda Joy. […] Read more…

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