
7 Skills That Get the Man & The Money (PLUS Free Training Announcement)

FREE TRAINING, JULY 21 – AUGUST 11, 2020 From First Date to Forever: 4 Love Goddess Secrets That Always Get the Guy (And, the Join My Tribe | Get Insight & Tips >> Take my “FREE” LOVE GODDESS Quiz to find out how men see you: Read more…

How to reinvent Valentine’s to make YOU happy (Free Agent or Coupled)

As “V” Day (aka Valentine’s Day) approaches it’s crazy how some people are excited to celebrate the day of love, while it stirs up anxiety, angst, and cynicism from others.  I’ll be honest in sharing that Valentine’s Day is primarily for us Vixens.  This belief has been ingrained in many people, especially men.  I’ll also […] Read more…

Old School Wisdom That Still Works on Modern Men

The 1960s saw the emergence of many changes for women – the feminist movement, civil rights, control of our bodies – a revolution is born.  I was born in the 60s so it was a good decade…LOL! Major strides have been won, but there was also a sudden death that has gone virtually unnoticed.   This […] Read more…

To have an amazing man and money in your life, you need to do this…

You hold the power to great love and fortune.  It starts with your charisma… Get my book for FREE – Limited Time! “THE SECRETS TO GET THE GUY & KEEP THE GUY: The Ultimate Guide to Men, Sex, and Money”…  Check out my website & learn about my yummy coaching at: AND Sign-Up […] Read more…

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