
by Stacey Murphy

On a typical Saturday night, you get together with your gal pals to grab a glass of wine, eat a scrumptious dinner and share stories of your crazy dating life. Many of you sharing your escapades of the men that have come and gone in your dating adventures. So what are you chatting about with your friends? Are you swapping stories about the virtues of men? The men that desire a deep meaningful connection, the men who will worship the ground you walk on? I don’t’ think so. Instead, many of you join the Chorus of Commiseration singing the song of – men are just looking for sex, men don’t want to commit, men are intimidated by strong women and men are shallow.
Ladies, your words and beliefs are powerful tools of manifestation. They either attract things to you or repel them away. So if you’ve joined the Chorus of Commiseration, then like bug repellent, you’re pushing men away because you’re unknowingly being a “Man Hater”.
Just think about it, what man wants to be with a woman who’s always complaining about men? It makes absolutely no sense.
To attract a quality man, and maintain a happy relationship, it requires you to love men not hate them. Sadly, many fuel their frustration by using the Law of Attraction against themselves. If you want to experience being cherished, loved and appreciated by a man, you have to cherish, love and appreciate men. Like attracts like.
The secret to loving men is to understand them. You do this by embracing the Man Magnet Blueprint which is Mental Stimulation + Sex Appeal & Sexual Attraction So a Man Feels Good About Himself in Your Presence = Physical Intimacy + Emotional Connection. To many men, the emotions are the final frontier!
To learn the key elements to mentally stimulate a man, read my last article in how a confident woman is able to do just that. So now I want to take you behind door number two (sex appeal & sexual attraction) and impart upon you some tasty tidbits of the Art of Seduction.
Here’s a paradigm shift ladies – whatever you were brainwashed to think about seduction, throw it out the window. Seduction is having the ability to authentically entice someone to do something they WANT TO DO anyway. You do this by creating a safe place for a man to come out and play with you. Seduction is about making the other person (and yourself) feel good without expecting anything in return. With manipulation, one person wins and the other loses…this isn’t seduction.
The Universe is wise and made women naturally alluring as the perfect complement to a man’s natural primal instinct. This is sheer biology.
Men crave to experience the natural essence of a powerful woman. Men crave to experience YOUR seductive charm!
To do this, you will need to master the “Rules of Engagement”.
  • Seduce His Five Senses: Men are tactile, visual creatures so the packaging “does” matter. You capture him in your WEB, your “Woman’s Energetic Body”, using all your five senses.
  • Be His Confidant: Any Lover worth wooing wants a lady of intelligence; one who can openly communicate without being overbearing. You are his “right-hand” lady.
  • Be His Equal: Believe it or not, men desire to have a woman that’s his equal. A woman who can take the initiative, yet is mindful not to overtake her Lover.
  • Be Part of the Thrill: The excitement of the chase is within every man. A woman who can play hard to get (but not aloof), be bold and uninhibited will capture the attention of a deserving man.
  • Be His Comfort: Men like to be nurtured, pampered and cared for. This appeals to the little boy that lives within his soul and gives him a secure place of recovery. Guaranteed to melt his heart.
If you embrace my pearls of wisdom, not only will you be in a juicy relationship but this will attract a quality man ready, willing and able to commit to YOU! Now it’s time for you to take some yummy action to bask in your powerful essence!

As a Rockin’ Love Goddess, you learn to own your personal power and rock the qualities to seduce men with confidence and integrity.


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