In this training, Stacey Murphy and Diana Eskander, address how to receive a man’s love and not push him away…aka Self-Sabotage.
Here’s a tidbit of what we cover:
- What are the components of keeping a man’s (your man’s) attention long-term
- How over giving and performing is sabotaging your relationships
- What sabotages the mental connection with men
- How to step into receivership in your relationships
- And, MORE
- Download Man Code Workbook: Click Here
- From Stacey: Get Him To Commit Program Details: Click Here
Marian bodnaruk
May 19, 2021 at 2:29 PM (3 years ago)OMG, StaceyI don’t know how to tell you how much i learned from your portion of the From Sabotage to Secure let me call it Masterclass.
Dynamic and Confident in your presentation comes to mind immediately.
You contributed further to my understanding of men, it was fascinating, how they are as intuitive as women are, even more so.
Is it possible to get a transcript of the presentation, I am currently listening to your replay. Thank you so much for this.
BTW, what happened to that “cute guy” you flirted with in the cafe and then having to go to your second appointment? I loved that testimonial…SO SEXY…..
Stacey Murphy
May 20, 2021 at 2:19 PM (3 years ago)Hi Marian…Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad you received the wisdom because ‘knowledge is power’. I’m passionate about this because many women unknowingly step into landmines and sabotage themselves unnecessarily and it isn’t their fault. It’s no one’s fault. Educating yourself is key. This is why I coach AND train my clients. A transcript isn’t available at this time, but it’s on the ‘To Do’ in the future. When you attend ‘Get Him To Commit’, I go even deeper…cheers, Stacey
May 22, 2021 at 9:59 AM (3 years ago)Hi Ladies,
This content is so deep, I have listed over and over and replayed so pieces even more to making sure I integrate it I my whole being! I also was thinking of a script, as I’m keneatesic I’m doing a summary, if helps I can share the Google doc to the benefit of everyone that joined the class.
Thank you very much for sharing this content and for your passion and love.
Stacey Murphy
May 26, 2021 at 2:49 PM (3 years ago)You are most welcome. Please share how you’re integrating the teaching and please provide the link to the Google Doc. Much love, peace and appreciation…Stacey