As I sit here reflecting on 2024, I’m struck by how much of last year surprised me. It definitely wasn’t the year I envisioned. I imagined it filled with thriving—a booming business, financial abundance, and a steady flow of clients. Instead, the year asked me to focus on something far deeper: Stability! Looking back, I see it was a gift from the Divine I didn’t know I needed, but deep inside, my heart was craving.

Through the highs and lows, I found lessons that not only reshaped my year but allowed me to have a deeper connection with my family, the Divine, my spiritual practice and most importantly, myself.  This depth had me look at love, romance and intimate bonds in a new and refreshed way.  I recognized how the Divine Mother was lovingly telling me, “My child, in order to experience soulful love and prosperity, you have to get your house in order first.”   No pun intended, but it was literal this time.  Let me share this insight, and some tips with you, as I invite you to dance with the Divine as well. Because, stability is the new sexy!

Lovely, let’s get real: Thriving sounds sexy, but it’s an illusion without a solid foundation. When I chose “thriving” as my compass word for 2024, I thought I would leap straight into success since I wasn’t a wondering nomad after 18+ months of no stability.

In the first quarter of the year, MY focus was to jump back into my business, like old times.   The Divine Creatrix had a different plan. It was clear: my health.  I hate to say this, but I fought it every step of the way.  Even though my body was screaming for attention, my mind had other plans.  Insurance was dictating the pace, so for 3 months, I was frustrated with the overwhelm of doctors’ visits.  Feelings of guilt started to surface because I felt I was letting myself down, and letting my Vixen tribe down because I couldn’t focus on business.  But I finally surrendered.  Prioritizing my wellness became the first step in creating a foundation for everything else.

When your life is stable, you become the kind of person who exudes calm loving confidence—and trust me, that’s magnetic. You feel more grounded in your connections which allows you to be ‘present’ with your loved one. It sets the stage for a relationship where both partners can grow together, free of unnecessary chaos.  It also allows for both partners to feel secure and stable in the relationship, which is key for many women.

For 38 years, I’d resisted being in front of the camera.  I know that may shock you, but it’s true, even though everyone tells me I’m a natural. Last year, I finally decided to stop running. And you know what happened? Magic.

It’s Springtime now and I was given the opportunity to feature the Tiny Vixen on two big YouTube channels.  These were opportunities I wasn’t going to let fear steal from me.  My head was wrestling with what ‘I wanted to do’ vs what ‘Spirit had in mind’.  Even though the filming was “work”, and I wanted these exciting opportunities, my head was saying, “The timing doesn’t fit neatly in my calendar.  I had other things planned”. Can you relate?  This is the ego-mind trying to sabotage you.

So, I told that voice in my head, who I call the “Itty-Bitty Shitty Committee”, to take a hike and get lost.  Instead, I allowed myself to relax and enjoy being in front of the lens.   Everything shifted because I just focused on having fun by being me – quirks and all.  I was having such a blast with the videographer; that energy came through loud and clear on the screen.  I wasn’t worried about what other people thought.  I exchanged the worry for being engagingly silly and authentic.  From there, opportunities started to pour in.  

I felt more aligned than ever, beaming with rockstar confidence! The same rockstar confidence you want to have with men.  This is where your feminine charisma is oozing from every cell in your body – an energetic potion hard for a man to resist.

You don’t have to eat a bucket of oysters to get your love groove on. Confidence is your feminine aphrodisiac. When you own your womanly power, and let go of the dreaded ‘Fear-Mongerer’, you draw your partner closer to you as if he’s floating on a cloud of love.   Fear is replaced with faith.  Worry is replaced with an open heart.  From here, you can create a deeper sense of trust and intimacy that makes your love and sex life sizzle.

In other words, stop fighting the damn flow.  I spent months trying to wrestle life into submission, stuffing and forcing life into the box I created for it.  Only to be reminded that the Universe is in charge, not me. And honestly? Thank goodness for that.

During meditation, my Spirit Guides hit me with a truth bomb.  They asked, “What would you do differently if you knew this year was about stability? If you knew it was a year about letting go of your old life to embrace the new life.” My answer? I’d stop micromanaging my life and remember to trust the process. I’d let go of control and ride the waves with grace.  Just like I did to manifest the Tiny Vixen and uprooting my life to California. 

It’s summer now, and here I was again, telling myself, “OK, now I can get back to business.” But it wasn’t until my car accident, which showed me, I still had more letting go of the old (Florida) so I could embrace the new (California).  And this included my car!  The patterns in my life were telling me this.  With this understanding, I released my attachment to the old car, which allowed me to turn these crazy series of events into a triumph. (Read >> ‘5 Steps to Turn Tragedy to Triumph’)

Letting go of control isn’t just liberating for you—it’s irresistible.  The irresistibility comes from being more in the moment.  This allows your energy to feel more open and down-to-earth, which men appreciate in women.  When you create space for organic connection, your partner feels valued and trusted, and your relationship blooms with less effort and more joy.  This makes you irresistible to your Lover.

I know the dynamics in my relationships weren’t just about the other person—they were about me. Whether it was with family, friends, or romantic partners, each connection offered a lesson in growth.  This was growth I needed to navigate if I desired to manifest a Life Partner in this stage of my life.

Thinking I could get into my business flow now, was quickly replaced with one of the most profound experiences in my life – during an unplanned trip to Jamaica.  During the trip, I received an unexpected healing, and closure with my dad, as I was given the gift of seeing him ascend to the Heavens.  This experience redefined my understanding of our relationship.  This also showed me how REAL, the world of the unseen, truly is. 

Last year, I was also given the gift of closure concerning my two ex-hubbies.  This closure came in the form of a yummy man, who I call Lover Boy.  I consider our connection to be a ‘healing relationship’; that necessary stepping stone which is preparing me for something big.  More on that in the future.

But for now, remember, the greatest gifts come when we least expect them.

Seeing relationships as mirrors turns the drama into valuable lessons. By learning from them, you not only heal but attract partners who align with the best version of yourself.  When you can be objective enough to see what your relationships are telling you, this allows you to course correct and make more empowering choices leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious love life.

It forced me to look at what was working, what wasn’t, and what I needed to change. Surrendering to the flow became my superpower. By the time December rolled around, I felt a clarity I hadn’t experienced in years.  I big lesson I learned was to not throw out the baby with the bathwater.  For me, this looked like taking the best of Florida and melding it with the best of California to create my ‘New Path Forward’.  This is where the skill of a surgeon is required vs the destruction of a wrecking ball.

Every twist and turn last year had a purpose. My car accident? A lesson in detachment. Business setbacks? A reminder to realign. My Lover Boy? An opportunity for closure. Life isn’t about avoiding the storms; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.  And when you can dance in the rain with your man by your side, it’s a beautiful sight to behold.

Reflection is like a reset button for your heart. It helps you clear out old patterns, make space for new or revitalized love, allowing you to set intentions for the kind of relationship you truly deserve.

A Year of Grace and Growth

Through stability, surrender, healing, relationships, and reflection, I found grace in the unexpected. Ironically, I was able to manifest 2 of my 3 intentions for 2024 – romantic fun and getting business exposure via the Tiny Vixen.  They just happened by taking a different route than I was originally thinking. 

Now, I feel ready to step into 2025 with a heart full of hope and a foundation strong enough to support my next step.  As my physical therapist told me, “Be the tortoise (flow) and not the hare (rushing).”

And so, I ask you: How will you embrace the unexpected in your own life? What gifts are waiting for you in the lessons you didn’t plan for? The answers may surprise you, just as they did for me. Let’s walk into this year together, grounded, open, and ready for all the magic life has to offer.

My intention for 2025 is to be the tortoise.  This time, I gladly let the Divine Mother hold one of the reigns of the chariot as I hold the other.  Working together, we’re a Divine Dream Team.

2 Comments on Why Stability is the New Sexy

  1. Rose
    January 14, 2025 at 9:34 AM (2 months ago)

    Saw you on the Tiny house show. Your place is gorgeous, & you were a natural in front of the camera! ….and you called in the one!!!

    • Stacey Murphy
      February 6, 2025 at 4:25 PM (4 weeks ago)

      Thank you, Rose. I’m glad you enjoyed.


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