
How to reinvent Valentine’s to make YOU happy (Free Agent or Coupled)

As “V” Day (aka Valentine’s Day) approaches it’s crazy how some people are excited to celebrate the day of love, while it stirs up anxiety, angst, and cynicism from others.  I’ll be honest in sharing that Valentine’s Day is primarily for us Vixens.  This belief has been ingrained in many people, especially men.  I’ll also […] Read more…

How to design a relationship that will truly make you happy

Darling, did you know you can custom design your relationship?  In the United States, fast-food chain Burger King built an empire on telling customers they can “have it your way”.  If we can have a designer hamburger, we can surely have a designer relationship…your way. I know I’m not alone when I say, for most of […] Read more…

How to go from Texting to Talking with a Guy

In our modern world, talking on the phone has become a premium. Texting and social media may be nice for staying in touch with friends, but in matters of love, it can be a death sentence to personal connection.  In this short video, I share how you can go from texting to talking with a […] Read more…

3 Intimacy Killers that Will Torpedo Your Relationship

If your relationship has morphed into any of these 3 dynamics, then it will kill the intimate connection with your partner and torpedo your relationship.  Rest assured, there’s hope… If you feel your relationship is stalled or you feel less than fulfilled, then it’s time to Get Unstuck!! Read more…

3 Ways to Navigate Change to Love Yourself & Life

Recently, I was celebrating my independence when the surgeon lifted the restrictions from my 7-month recovery.  During my health journey, I was experiencing a range of emotions both challenging and rewarding.  I’ll be honest, I was smacked in the face with a lot of fear because I knew I had to make some serious changes […] Read more…

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