
Can I Get Your Help? Life Design Eps 7!

The 7-question survey is super short. It will take 5-10 minutes of your time.  The questions are multiple-choice…easy breezy!   Take the Class Survey Now! Your Instant Thank You Gift!Look to the Stars! Embrace Your True Nature to Bust the Imposter Syndrome (Audio & Worksheet)Receive your gift once you submit your survey… Access Annual Survey Now The […] Read more…

5 Tips to BE YOU and Bust the Imposter Syndrome (to best give & receive the love you want)

Many times when love eludes us, we can get down on ourselves thinking, “love isn’t for me”. Then, we meet someone new and we’re afraid to be ourselves for fear of rejection. As the relationship goes on, we get even more anxious about saying or doing certain things for fear of getting our partner upset. […] Read more…

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