dreamstimelarge_47370046If I were to tell you men really, really, really want to please you, would you believe me? 

I’m not just talking about pleasing you in the sack; even though that’s extremely important, I’m talking about attending to your every comfort and need.    Back in the day, this was called chivalry.  Does this sound like a fairytale?  Deep inside, you want to experience this, but don’t believe it can happen to you. Well, it isn’t a fairytale for the many women who know what to do.

When a man feels he can make his woman glow with joy, when a man can anticipate your every need, when he can make you laugh, smile and get your mind and body to tingle – this is a man in bliss.  You know why? This taps into a man’s primal nature to provide for his woman.  In our contemporary society, when we think of a man providing, most of us think in terms of financial well-being and a home.  But to most men, it goes much deeper than that.  When a man is able to provide for a woman’s emotional, mental and physical needs – with the ability to contribute to her genuine happiness, this is a huge boost to his self-esteem because he knows he’s doing his job.  “Doing” his job may not sound romantic, but to a man this is pure joy and music to his self-worth.

So why would a woman rebuff this?  Why would a woman not want to receive this attention and pampering from a man?

When a woman doesn’t allow a man to DO for her, you’re essentially rejecting him. Every stereotype is based in some grain of truth.  Many men are more comfortable “doing”, just as many women are more comfortable with “feeling”.  Some women hold onto the belief that men are players, there’s an ulterior motive to what they’re saying and doing, all they want is sex.  I’ll be honest in telling you, men DO want something in return – they want love, affection, appreciation and companionship.  But wait – isn’t that want you want as well?

Some women hold the belief, “I don’t need a man to do me any favors”, “I don’t need a man to buy me anything”, “I can get things for myself”, “If a man buys you something, then he’ll expect something in return.”  Does any of these beliefs sound familiar to you?

Painting men with this broad brush is just as toxic as men painting women with a broad brush as being emotional and fickle.

Women who are flying high in their feminine power EXPECT chivalry.  They expect men to DO for them – not out of obligation, but to show their love, appreciation and protective nature. 

With an open heart, and an understanding of male psyche, women in their feminine power appreciate a man who pleases and spoils her.  This appreciation is rooted in knowing she deserves to be treated the best.   This is a stark contrast to the shallow belief of being a Gold-digger and the crazy egotistical nonsense of reality TV.

When you stand confidently in your feminine power, you allow a man to stand firmly in his masculine power.  This is the symbiotic nature of the masculine and feminine – the essence of yin and yang. 

Ladies, here are 3 ways a man can spoil you as a Princess, Queen or Empress:

  • Pampered Princess: This is a woman who loves to receive yummy treats from her man. She enjoys gifts of romantic gestures, dinners, having a night on the town, to name a few.  A man that will cook you delicious meals and give you sensual massages.  He will prepare your coffee, or tea, just right.  He’ll contact you several times a week to hear your voice and to check-in on his Princess.  His emotional openness is still slightly guarded, yet he’ll them peek through the clouds just for you.  This connection is mellow and harmonious with a mental dynamic that’s fun and light-hearted.

  • Queen of Hearts: This is a woman who’s open to enjoying a bit more juiciness in her life.  Receiving a new wardrobe or treated to wonderful vacations from your man is a delight to this Queen.  When your man wants you to de-stress, he may surprise you by cleaning your house (including the shower) as a token of his admiration.  He will consistently serve you breakfast in bed, and not just on special occasions.  He’s more open with his feelings for his Queen.  To gift you is an honor that brings him a considerable amount of pride and satisfaction.  This connection is nurturing and protective with a mental dynamic that’s consistent and comforting.

  • Royal Empress: This is a woman standing in her radiant power, able to enjoy and accept gifts of pure opulence. Your man will hire a maid to clean your house, he will buy or rent you a car.  This man will even pay your rent or buy you a house.  He will spoil you to the maximum level.  He’s fully transparent with his emotions and his gifts are an extension of expressing his feelings. To your man, his feelings for you are to be seen and recognized by all.  This connection is intense with a mental yearning that’s intoxicating like a drug.

[For more sassy tips and insights from me, click here to join my Tribe and you’ll receive a FREE Gift!]

Being treated like a Princess, Queen or Empress comes down to what you feel you deserve.   I know some of you reading this may feel a slight bit of discomfort because it may be contrary to what you were taught.  If you don’t feel worthy, your energy may attract a man that’s either a deadbeat, always broke or a user.  These type of men prey on women who don’t feel confident and whole.  This is one reason I developed my Rockin’ Love Goddess Program, which teaches women how to be authentically confident in the art of seduction.

In the Love Goddess Program, you learn to lovingly embrace your feminine power.  When you tap into this vibrant energy, you have the hutzpah to defy convention of what it means to be a liberated woman.  If you’re trying to fit into someone else’s mold (aka the Good Girl Syndrome), this can trap you in a state of dissatisfaction because you struggle to keep up since you’re not being you.

So now you must be asking yourself, how can I get a man to spoil me like a Princess, Queen or Empress?   It’s by taking the daring path of weaving an invigorating and charismatic WEB (Woman’s Energetic Body)!

Here are 5 yummy DARES guaranteed to maximize your WEB and make a man spoil you like the royalty you are:

  • Dare to be STRONG. It takes great strength to follow your bliss into unchartered waters.   The strength of an empowered woman is her unwavering belief to boldly go after what she wants.  Men find strong women intoxicating, especially when this strength is balanced with your feminine grace. When you’re strong in body, mind and heart, men see this as having the potential to be a formidable “Power Couple”.  It’s the modern day version of natural selection.

  • Dare to be SEXUAL. Yes ladies, men are sexual creatures.  The sooner this is accepted, the fewer fights and anxiety you will have about it.  However, men yearn to have a connection and to be sexual with YOU.  A woman who has the ability to sexually captivate a man, is a woman who confidently sits in the driver’s seat of her own sexual paradise.  When you have a profound awareness of what arouses you, it allows you to confidently communicate this to your Lover which is a major turn on for men.  When you’re able to stir a man’s inner core, as if in a trance, he will crave you like a drug – wondering when he’ll get his next fix.

  • Dare to be UNIQUE. Have your own voice and the courage to buck conformity! With courage as your sword and a fiery passion as your battle cry, you’re in control.  You are she – the Priestess of Pleasure.  You don’t buy into the false notion of guilt and self-repression as some noble gesture.  When you’re open to new experiences, and look at your relationships with a sense of adventure, you keep it fresh and vibrant.  You won’t be a victim of monotony and your partner will receive you eagerly.  So it’s time to break free from convention!

  • Dare to be MYSTERIOUS. An Enchantress isn’t an open book.  Once you’ve read the book, complacency and boredom may set in; then what is there to explore?  An air of mystery keeps men wanting and wondering what remains to be discovered.  When you’re able to create healthy intrigue, a man’s curious nature can’t help but follow all the clues to figure out the puzzle. Creating mystery is an art form my ladies learn in the “Rockin’ Love Goddess” Program.  These skills are designed to flex your strategic thinking, as I teach in the Seductress Mindset, which is sexy to a man.

  • Dare to be a WILD CHILD. Live in a state of being fierce and fabulous.  When you have the confidence to flirt and be enticing, this tells a man he can have amazing adventures with you.  When you’re able to let loose and be free, this energy is infectious.  You’re FREE to BE yourself, free to be authentic and enjoy the freedom of acceptance.  In this state of your wild feminine energy, rooted in mutual joy, a man will do everything in his power to ensure that your smile and inner flame never goes out.

A man will be eager to bestow the royal treatment of admiration upon you when you learn to rock these 5 yummy dares.

If you want to fast track your path to royalty, click here and complete a Discovery Session Form to be considered as a candidate for my Rockin’ Love Goddess Program.  As a Love Goddess, you learn to own your personal power, build your self-confidence and uphold high self-esteem because you will value your worth.

This Program is for women who want to:

  • Heal old wounds, sabotaging behavior and unload toxic patterns that have prevented you from being an authentic seductive woman

  • Tune into your feminine wiles to unleash the hidden power of your allure

  • Use your seductive skills to have a more satisfying love life

  • Know how to exude charisma and gravitas in and out of the bedroom

  • Rejuvenate your self-confidence and self-esteem that will allow you to be the “Lady in Public and a Freak in the Bed”

  • Magnify your man magnet and rock the qualities men look for in a “high-value woman”

  • Awaken your “Inner Lover” by knowing and loving “Who You Are” as a seductive woman

  • Learn how to rebrand your image to be more charismatic and alluring

  • Learn how to flirt, use effective body language, as well as how to establish flirting and erotic dialogue

Click here and complete a Discovery Session Form to be considered as a candidate for my Rockin’ Love Goddess Program.

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Blissfully yours!


Queen of Juicy Love & Feminine Allure

5 Comments on This is how to get a man to spoil you like ROYALTY!

  1. Lynn
    April 28, 2016 at 2:44 PM (9 years ago)

    I’ve done all of this and more and all it’s gotten me is used and taken for granted and taken advantage of.

    • admin
      April 28, 2016 at 6:56 PM (9 years ago)

      Hi Lynn…thank you for leaving your comment. I don’t know your specific situation. But from experience, usually when this happens, there’s an underlying issue (belief) that isn’t being addressed which causes recurring patterns to appear. Think of it as going to a doctor, you get a Rx, but the underlying issue of your illness was never addressed, so the issue keeps coming back. Working with a coach helps you to identify areas or issues you’re not aware of and you work together to transform these Gremlins to attract from a healthy place. If you want to talk further, feel free to schedule a Man Magnet Strategy Session with me >> https://blissfullotus.typeform.com/to/WE1oxj

    • Doc
      November 16, 2016 at 4:56 AM (8 years ago)

      We defiintely need more smart people like you around.

  2. TW
    July 9, 2021 at 6:06 PM (4 years ago)

    Excellent advice. Thank you.

    • Stacey Murphy
      July 14, 2021 at 4:02 PM (4 years ago)

      You’re welcome. This is manifesting in an authentic and genuine way. Share the insight with your friends.


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