
Tiny Vixen! Her Week 2 Transformation! “Adding Some Sugar and Spice”

In week 1, we focused on her outside beauty, so in week 2, we got the paint brushes out and turned our attention to adding some sugar and spice to the Tiny Vixen infusing her with color to bring out her personality – her inner beauty.  With intention, I’ve designed the Tiny Vixen to only […] Read more…

Phase 2 of my “Tiny Mansion” Journey Begins…Infusing the Tiny Vixen with Personality

It’s surreal to believe I’m now beginning Phase 2 of my life & home adventure, and what a journey it has been. Phase 1 focused on who would build my house (that would support my lifestyle), then actually build it; and finally, where would I set down my new roots.  Phase 1 is literally “Life […] Read more…

How to design a relationship that will truly make you happy

Darling, did you know you can custom design your relationship?  In the United States, fast-food chain Burger King built an empire on telling customers they can “have it your way”.  If we can have a designer hamburger, we can surely have a designer relationship…your way. I know I’m not alone when I say, for most of […] Read more…

How to go from Texting to Talking with a Guy

In our modern world, talking on the phone has become a premium. Texting and social media may be nice for staying in touch with friends, but in matters of love, it can be a death sentence to personal connection.  In this short video, I share how you can go from texting to talking with a […] Read more…

3 Intimacy Killers that Will Torpedo Your Relationship

If your relationship has morphed into any of these 3 dynamics, then it will kill the intimate connection with your partner and torpedo your relationship.  Rest assured, there’s hope… If you feel your relationship is stalled or you feel less than fulfilled, then it’s time to Get Unstuck!! Read more…

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