My life has totally changed since 2022. New city, new state, and new home. If that wasn’t enough, I’m experiencing a redirection and rebirth in my business. AND, the biggest “NEW” is my love life now. Everything, and I mean everything, got uprooted when I made the decision to leave Florida and go into the great unknown. It’s been one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

So without further adieu, I’m ready to share my ‘Relationship Update’ which will be a multi-part story.

In today’s lesson, I share the 5 signs I saw that was telling me I was ready for a ‘Love Life Upgrade‘. By paying attention to these signs, it led me to the romance I’m enjoying now.

Key Highlights:

  • Signs of readiness for a shift in love life
  • How to use Past patterns in relationships to grow
  • Emotional and mental health in relationships
  • Defining the type of relationship desired
  • Evaluating Love Life Happiness

I invite you to COMMENT and SHARE these words of wisdom to keep the good karma going…

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