Sweetie, you’re going to want to hang on for this “Made for TV Moment” real life incident that happened to me last month.

This has NEVER happened in my dating or love life…until now!

If you’ve never taken synchronicities seriously, if you’ve ever doubted your intuition, then what I’m about to share with you will change all of that.

Last month, I had a business meeting with another Love Coach.  She had attended 2 of my live classes over the past 3 months to scope me out to see if we could collaborate on some projects.

It was a beautiful night in Winter Park.   As we sat in the bar area talking about business ideas, she asked me about the Polyamory dynamic.  She was curious to speak to someone who actually practices Polyamory.  The concept intrigued her.  I understand since I get this question a lot.

As we were chatting, I shared how each relationship is unique and what the experiences I’ve had with Mr. Juicy Love and my former Italian Stallion.  This is where things get interesting

When I described my former Italian (he lost his Stallion status), her face went cold. She asked to see a picture.  To our joint SHOCK, she just started dating my ex about 2 months ago…OMFG!

This wasn’t PLANNED by us!  It was PLANNED by the Universe!

Oh, the story gets even better.

As we spoke, we started to compare notes and this is what we found out.  Or, should I say, this is what SHE found out.

After my initial “Oh Shit Shock Moment“, I was HILARIOUSLY laughing inside.  I had to temper my laughter because his new gal wasn’t laughing at all.  She was doing her best to keep it all together.

I was laughing inside because I said to myself, “Thank Goddess I…

  • Followed my intuition to take things slow with the Italian
  • Listened to my intuition to end the relationship with the Italian
  • Stood in my worth and told him “NO” when he tried to re-enter my life several weeks ago
  • Stood in my integrity by answering any questions she had because we BOTH knew he was lying to us in different ways

Since we’re both coaches, she knew I was telling the truth.  It was unfortunate she found out the man who just swept her off her feet, wasn’t being authentic with her.   And, when she found out he contacted me several weeks earlier (“to be friends”), and how he misrepresented certain aspects of our relationship, her mouthed dropped to the floor.

This is why I teach in the Love Goddess and Man Mastery trainings how (and why) you should have a Dating Dossier on every partner you date.  This allows you to have an objective view of the man you’re dating – the good, the bad and the ugly – so you can make an empowering decision whether to Love Him or Leave Him.

Since I already left the relationship, it’s crystal clear the Universe arranged this meeting so I could put the final nail in the coffin.   For her, the Universe pulled the 4-Alarm Red Flag Firebell. 

If you’re still doubtful, check out the timing…

  • She moved back to the United States, April
  • I placed the Italian in Vixen Time Out, May
  • I ended the relationship, June
  • She met him at an event, August
  • Universe put her and me together, October

The typical woman would get into a catfight with the other woman, screaming to her “you’re lying about my man“.  While the women go crazy, the guy is loving the show.  It strokes his ego.  This is the stupid BS you see on TV that too many women emulate in real life with disastrous consequences for their love life and self-esteem. 

The issue isn’t the other woman, it’s THE MAN and your self-worth!

When a woman is desperate to be in a relationship, she will compromise her self-worth. 

You do this by fighting with another woman over a man that’s not worth fighting for.  Many of my clients start their Love Goddess and Man Mastery training having self-worth challenges, but they go through an amazing transformation.   They bust out the other side with the confidence and courage to take the steps WE took to expose the Italian!

This is what EMPOWERED women do…

  • We took a picture together!  This was to show him we met, we weren’t mad at each other and we looked quite cozy (this wasn’t even planned)
    • Strategy!   This throws a man off his game because he’s used to women fighting each other – low value-women behavior.  But when women turn the tables on the Player, they know they’re exposed and they don’t know what to do next.
  • I sent him a sarcastic and cheeky text informing him we compared some interesting notes
    • Strategy! As I teach to my clients in both my Love Goddess and Man Mastery Programs, you have to share the exact behavior and/or words spoken so a man CLEARLY knows what you’re talking about.  He can’t use the excuse, “He didn’t know or you weren’t clear.”  So I shared the exact words he told his new gal and how she NOW knows he said those same exact words to other women.  In my text, I told him “The Universe played the Player“.
  • I was thankful for the revelation vs wasting emotions on second-guessing
    • Strategy! If you’re in my Love Goddess or Man Mastery Programs, practicing the witness perspective technique is why second-guessing is a waste of time and emotions.  The Witness Perspective is how you learn from every situation and come out stronger for it.  This technique also helps in preventing a similar situation from occurring in the future.  This is how you KEEP YOUR POWER!

By having my Dating Dossier, by listening to my intuition, by owning my worth and by reflecting with the Witness Perspective, all which you learn in Love Goddess and Man Mastery, is allowed me to walk away from this situation laughing all the way to my car. It wasn’t a chuckle.  It was a gut-wrenching rolling on the ground laughing because ALL the decisions I made with the Italian were spot on.

So to all of my past, current and future clients/students in Love Goddess and Man Mastery, do this…

  • Practice your feminine intuition exercise daily.  The more you sharpen your intuition, it will build your confidence to make more empowering decisions that honor you.
  • Maintain your Dating Dossier so you can record the good, bad and red-flags to look out for.
  • Trust your intuition in order to you own your worth.
  • Honestly reflect on, “What would you have done if you were in this same situation?”  If the feelings of fear, anxiety or panic came up, this is an indication for you to work and heal your self-worth.

What followed…

The Italian blew up my cell phone with so many texts…OMG.  He even tried to call.  I only read the 1st line of his text which said,

“Let me explain, there was a misunderstanding.”

The person he needed to explain himself to was his new girl – NOT ME!

Man Mastery Insight! When a man is STILL invested in how his ex-girlfriend feels or thinks about him means he’s a man that’s STILL INTO his ex.

The next morning, I texted his new gal and told her, “Since you’re dating the Italian now (he’s no longer a Stallion), you can tell him, I got ALL of his texts, I’ve deleted them and he doesn’t need to explain anything to me because I’m very clear about things. That’s why I stopped dating him.”

That was the end of that!

You see, coaches go through some of the same things as you.  We don’t live in a glass bubble.  But as a coach, we don’t fly into a knee-jerk emotional reaction.  You benefit by learning how to handle similar situations.  Then you emulate what we do so you can stand in your VIXEN POWER!

Now you have a chance to stand in your power by scheduling some time for us to chat to see how you can stand confidently in your feminine power, stand strong in your relationships and stand strong in the presence of men.

2 Comments on Caught Your Man in a LIE? Do This…

  1. shay
    February 18, 2019 at 12:55 PM (6 years ago)

    Hey…tried to download your free book but the link is expired. Please help.

    • Stacey Murphy
      March 6, 2019 at 6:10 PM (6 years ago)

      Thank you for letting us know. We’ll look into this as soon as possible.


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