Oh my, oh my, Lovely.  

No one will argue that 2020 has been a year for the record books.  We’ve read about times like this in history, but now you’re actually experiencing it.  You’ve read about what people did during the 1918 Spanish Flu or the Great Depression. It’s our turn and we’re being called to task at this moment in time.

2020 was a great year for me even with the tears that were shed. I almost feel bad for saying that, since this hasn’t been the story for so many people. Yet, I feel it’s important for you to hear good news to know it’s possible for you. And today, I want to share HOW I did it so you can too in 2021. 

2020 is coming to a close at lightning speed which brings about a time of reflection.  How did you use this time of pause to shift things in your life?  

I did quite a bit of house cleaning, which I plan to share over the next couple of weeks, both the good and the ugly. 2020 has been the year of ‘shock and awe’ in one way or another. One of my biggest ‘shocks’ involved my Dad.  And, one of my biggest ‘awes’ has been my business success.

“Committing to a new relationship meant recommitting to myself first.”

— Stacey Murphy

As you know, I’ve also been navigating my relationship change with Maik as well as shifts in family dynamics and friendships. 

As I was reflecting, it surprised me to realize I’ve been coupled for nearly 20 years…OMG! I’ve had amazing couplings where only one had me scratching my head and another had me recovering from an epic meltdown – his not mine. Not too bad for 20 years…LOL

So, I made the personal choice to make 2020 the year of ‘Stacey 2.0’

I was excited to get reacquainted with passions I let slide while discovering new things about myself.  This zest keeps you young, vibrant, and in the flow of life because one of the only things guaranteed in life is ‘change’. 

When complacency (aka ‘status quo’) sets in, this is the kiss of death to your dreams. 

So, this wasn’t about Stacey the ‘mom’, the ‘girlfriend’, the ‘daughter’, or the ‘coach’.  No labels…just Stacey.  Drop your labels, my dear, and embrace you.

This year, the political and racial unrest really shook me to my core.  I found myself fighting old memories and feelings of “not feeling physically safe / not being valued” due to all the hateful rhetoric.  I could feel the constriction in my body.  I could feel myself shrinking. Words DO HURT!  At the beginning of the year, I was experiencing many days of anxiety and tears. The anxiety was starting the paralyze me, but I refused to give into it because I knew it wasn’t my truth.

But words also have the power to heal and mend lives.

To help shift the stinkin’ thinkin’ trying to take root in my head, I turned to my Spoiled Girlfriend training.  It was important to keep my head in a place of abundance vs victim.  Spoiled Girlfriend is all about upleveling your life, receiving not only what you want but what you DESERVE.  The 2.0 version of YOU.

As a coach, I’m always in a place of expansion.  When things become too routine, boredom sets in.  I’m not alone in this because as people we never stay the same.  Are you the same person you were 10 or 15 years ago?  If you’re honest, you’ll say, “No”.  And this is a good thing.   

In allowing myself to go past my comfort zone, 2020 has been the best year for my business, nearly earning 6-figures, my clients achieving kickass results (getting married, business increases), I traveled to San Diego CA for 3-weeks to start living one of my life goals of having a laptop lifestyle and I was featured on many news outlets (ABC, CW, FOX Radio, Newsy) this year.  I did this without reading any business or money-making books.

— Stacey on Newsy (National)

Instead, my Spoiled Girlfriend Program helped me to refocus on my self-worth which is “how you value yourself”.  To uplevel my circle of influence, I shook up my relationship tree to see what overripe or rotten apples would fall.  It was sad to see some relationships wither on the vine, but they were relationships that needed to go in order for the commitment to my growth to fully kick in.  There were many nights I sat in contemplation and self-reflection.

I chose to do this to establish a clear path for my NEW committed romantic relationship – which is on its way. It’s already here in Spirit.  I don’t know who he is, but I know he’s ready to BE in a committed relationship with me.  Spoiled Girlfriend kept me sailing full steam ahead during the troubling tides.

If anything, the pandemic has shown us, superficial stuff doesn’t mean sh*t at the end of the day.  Genuine, real relationships do.  

My inner peace has felt like a loving kiss on my cheek.  This loving commitment to you is the same commitment needed to both attract and keep a man’s commitment.

Dear One, I know you’ve been navigating your own challenges, or triumphs.  This is why I’m offering the home study version of my signature Spoiled Girlfriend Training as a Holiday special.  This is so you can have a powerful 2021.  Results don’t lie!

This program is for you if you want a gift that will keep giving for many years to come.  This is for women (Free Agent {single} or coupled) who want to receive loving treatment in their relationships as well as more financial stability in their life.

…PLUS, you will receive a 30-minute Lifestyle Planning session with ME!

2020 has put many money and love issues on life support.  Many have asked for insight and help, so here it is! BUT for a Limited Time…  

In this in-depth 4-part training, you will get:

  • Segment 1: Rock the Spoiled Girlfriend Mindset
    • Benefit to you >> You learn to embody your abundance mindset to…
      • LOVE: Attract financially stable men who are thriving
      • MONEY: Get paid what your worth
  • Segment 2: Art of Receiving
    • Benefit to you >> You learn to own your worth to…
      • LOVE: Get the love and pampering you deserve
      • MONEY: Position yourself to be seen
  • Segment 3: Where to Be Seen to Claim Your Lifestyle
    • Benefit to you, *|FNAME|*: You learn to establish the “right” connections, in the right environment, to…
      • LOVE: Revamp your Romantic Lifestyle to be seen by high-quality affluent men
      • MONEY: Revamp your Business/Career Lifestyle as you uplevel your circle of influence
  • Segment 4: Develop Your Spoiled Girlfriend Strategy
    • Benefit to you, *|FNAME|*: You learn to “seal the deal” by “asking for your needs to be met” to…
      • LOVE: Inspire your man to give with a happy heart and wallet
      • MONEY: Motivate and successfully direct a team leading to a promotion, more clients or contracts

During our 30-Minute Session, we will develop your 2021 Lifestyle Plan

Upon purchase, PayPal will redirect you to download the COMPLETE 4-part training including the link to schedule your session with Coach Stacey

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