dreamstime_m_54379923If you’re like many people, you’re filled with feelings of hope and renewal as a new year ushers in the excitement of new experiences and opportunities. Since love, sensual bliss, seduction and sex make my world go round, what new aspirations do you have for this area of your life? Does it include giving yourself permission to be naughty – bursting with sexual delight? Oh yes, we’re talking about S.E.X baby!

Sometimes we treat sex as our biggest enemy when in fact it can be the pathway to our greatest healing. If you have any apprehensions, I can totally understand. But over a decade ago, my own sexual liberation fully took off and I’ve been reaching for the stars ever since. This was the time I finally decided to shed the limiting beliefs of the “Good Girl Syndrome”. Limiting beliefs I allowed to hold my love & sex life hostage.

If you’re wondering whether the Good Girl Syndrome has your love & sex life in a world of hurt, are you experiencing any of this?

  1. Unable to talk to your partner about what sexually pleases you

  2. Your sexual relationship doesn’t venture past the Missionary Position and has gotten predictable and boring

  3. Uncomfortable receiving or giving sexual touch or being seductive

  4. Find it difficult to let go or have the inability to achieve an orgasm

  5. Uncomfortable with your body and apprehensive to share it with your partner (aka “sex with the lights off”, “don’t let your partner see you naked around the house”)

  6. Has a desire, but is afraid to discover new avenues of erotic exploration others consider taboo

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you’ve been living in a self-imposed trap of diminished pleasure. But it doesn’t have to be this way no matter your age, race, stage-of-life or cultural background; it’s your birthright to love, to live and be in bliss. Instead, you can give yourself a big WooHoo to your sexual confidence and freedom.

A healthy sex life keeps you young (nature’s Botox), it opens up your heart which allows your creativity and imagination to flow – Stacey MN


A vibrant sex life is also good for your health (natural happy drug). How does this make you feel? Is it putting a smile on your face? If you authentically embraced your sexual expression, how would this affect your closest relationships? Would you experience enjoyment vs. fighting and fear?

If you want to get your sexy back, here are 7 juicy secrets to ROCK your sex life:

1. Secret #1: Understand your Sex Appeal
Sex Appeal is communicating confidence in who you are and your unique attractiveness. This gives you the freedom to pursue without expecting anything in return. Confidence starts from within and is extremely sexy!

2. Secret #2: Know the Qualities Men Look for in a Woman
Women who communicate openly, take the initiative, are adventurous and affectionate are just some of the qualities men look for in a woman. But if you really look at it, these are great qualities to have regardless if you’re vying for a man’s affections. Take the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and be the best version of you.

3. Secret #3: Unlock the Key’s to Your Sexual Liberation
Kick your inhibitions to the curb by reversing the effects of the Good Girl Syndrome and releasing feelings of guilt, shame, judgment and insecurity. Not only will you save yourself a lot of heartache and drama, you open yourself up to experience the goodness life has to offer.


4. Secret #4: Rock Your Inner Bad Girl
A Bad Girl is a woman who’s “Bold, Brave Authentic and a Diva”. She’s sexually confident, physically uninhibited, assertive and unashamed – fully integrated in body, mind and heart. She can rock the Art of Seduction making herself “Simply Irresistible”. Embrace your boldness, be brave, love your authenticity and work it like a Diva!

5. Secret #5: Create Your Sassy and Sensual Alter-Ego
When you’re able to step out of your “everyday” personality, you’re able to step into a sexy version of YOU that is confident. Think of a sexy and seductive woman? What does she look like, how does she dress, how does she behave? Now put your face on this sensual woman. She is a side of you that’s been hiding for too long and now you’re allowing her to come out and play.

6. Secret #6: Turn your Inhibitions to Exhibitions
Learn to be that “Lady in Public but a Freak in the Bed”! Turning up the heat between the sheets will drive your man wild. Not only will you have more fun, he will worship the liberated woman you are. Start by educating yourself and increase your sexual skills; this is key in embracing your sexy self-confidence.

7. Secret #7: In the Bedroom…You’re the CEO (Chief Erotic Officer)
This is when you bring it all together and accept your role as the Mistress of all things sensual. With genuine confidence and pride, you now share your gift. YOU are empowered and YOU now claim a life filled with juicy love.

So to help you out, I’m giving you FREE access to my Good Girl’s Guide to a Rockin’ Sex Life. Check it out! It’s my gift to you.

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