
If you want your dream to be a reality, then STOP asking for your needs to be met!

Shifting from Asking for Needs to Inspiring DreamsStacey Murphy, Relationship & Life Design Coach shares her journey of shifting from asking for her needs to be met TO inspiring her dreams and desires to become a reality. She provides three steps for listeners to follow, that will help you shift your brain. By doing so, […] Read more…

Turning Disappointment Into Opportunity

Stacey Murphy, Relationship/Life Design Coach, shares her experience of embracing the “Gift of Flexibility” during her digital nomad journey. She learned to detach from her plans and not take things personally when they don’t go according to plan. She also learned to ask herself two questions when disappointment arises. She applied this to her own […] Read more…

To have an amazing man and money in your life, you need to do this…

You hold the power to great love and fortune.  It starts with your charisma… Get my book for FREE – Limited Time! “THE SECRETS TO GET THE GUY & KEEP THE GUY: The Ultimate Guide to Men, Sex, and Money”…  Check out my website & learn about my yummy coaching at: AND [email protected] Sign-Up […] Read more…