
To have an amazing man and money in your life, you need to do this…

You hold the power to great love and fortune.  It starts with your charisma… Get my book for FREE – Limited Time! “THE SECRETS TO GET THE GUY & KEEP THE GUY: The Ultimate Guide to Men, Sex, and Money”…  Check out my website & learn about my yummy coaching at: AND [email protected] Sign-Up […] Read more…

Go from fizzle to sizzle with these 3 HOT tips

Living in Florida, sizzling is an understatement right now. I’ve lived down here for over 20 years, yet this native New Yorker still can’t get used to the 90 degree heat with a 100 degree index. Everyone comes out of the woodwork to frolic and play, and I’m not talking about Disney. Each week, I […] Read more…

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