3_Profile collage 3I’m excited to be a Happiness Crusader and joining over 100 women in spreading the message of #ChoosingHappiness to women around the world. In honor of this, I’d like to share with you how I chose happiness in the midst of life’s messiness by answering a question from my inspiring friend best-selling Publisher Linda Joy. Her book officially released on Feb. 11, Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing women who share their intimate stories of transformation. Choosing Happiness also includes Reflection Questions after each story which will empower you to integrate the vital lessons of each woman’s journey into your own life.

For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Grab your copy today> http://bit.ly/Happiness_Book

Here are some questions I’d like for you to ponder on. It’s the beginning of a new year, the perfect time for us to choose to live life in a more expansive way.

  • Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you realized that your happiness was an internal choice that could be made despite your outside circumstances?

  • How do you remind yourself that happiness is always within and catch your footing in those whirlwind moments of life that can throw us off balance?

  • What is your personal definition of happiness today?

  • Share three things that bring you happiness.

I reflected on these questions myself and the one that resonated with me the most was, “what pivotal moment happened where I knew happiness was a choice”.

You see, I got divorced in 2000 and this was a big turning point in my life. What lead to this was the wake-up call that I didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me in the mirror. After the birth of my daughter, and significant medical challenges that ensued, my body was breaking down. I realized, I had totally lost myself in this 10 year relationship and my body was telling me it was time to get out. In the midst of these life changing events, I found true freedom because I chose to be happy versus living someone else’s dream. The break-up was liberation not failure. The break-up was rewarding not defeat. It was my opportunity to honor my spirit which was desperately crying out to be seen and heard. I took a year off from dating because I wanted to get reacquainted with me.

It was during this time of self-discovery when I realized I had the power to attract any type of relationship I wanted. I was on a healing journey, a spiritual journey to reclaim who I was as a woman and a sensual being.
So after my divorce, in my quest to embrace me, my spiritual teachings taught me that I had the ability to co-create my experience with the Universe. This understanding, and my determination to choose happiness, changed my life. It was a major paradigm shift, that in all honesty, I had a hard time wrapping my head around at first.

But, I didn’t look back because my desire to get myself out of the shit-hole I was experiencing was greater than my doubt.

I started to say to myself, “If my mind co-created unfulfilling relationships, then surely my mind can create relationships that are satisfying, joyful and worthy of my love.” The most significant belief I shifted was feeling and knowing I was worthy to be loved and choosing to be happy.

I gave myself permission to ask for what I wanted in a relationship, and what I wanted in a man, versus wondering and hoping if I was enough to attract their attention.

You see, I had it all backwards. With this new paradigm, I felt more empowered, more in control of my love life, alive with hope, and for the first time, I didn’t feel like a victim of circumstance.

I learned the more I loved me, this would attract a man that was worthy of me. The more I appreciated who I was, this would attract a man who would appreciate me as well. By looking inward, honoring my self-worth and eliminating self-defeating thoughts and behaviors, this opened a flood gate of suitors into my life. This process works from the inside-out as well as the outside-in. This process is the “law of attraction” and it works beautifully the moment you decide to choose happiness.

So I want to thank my friend, Publisher Linda Joy, for these inspiring questions! I invite you to share what your choosing happiness moment is.
Be sure to check out Linda’s new book, Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness and grab your copy today at http://bit.ly/Happiness_Book to receive the bonus gift bundle worth thousands!

2 Comments on Choosing Happiness After a Break-Up

  1. Tiffany Brooks
    February 12, 2015 at 3:13 PM (10 years ago)

    “I learned the more I loved me, this would attract a man that was worthy of me. The more I appreciated who I was, this would attract a man who would appreciate me as well.” So powerful! I had some things backwards in my life as well. Once I realized life wasn’t happening to me, I was able to reclaim my power. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

    • admin
      February 12, 2015 at 3:18 PM (10 years ago)

      Tiffany…Thank you. We have the power at all times. It’s having the courage and wisdom to recognize it and then use it wisely.


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